While riding home on the subway listening to a TED Radio Hour podcast called The Person You Become I found an interesting individual named Kaustav Dey. He is head of marketing for Tommy Hilfiger in India. I was moved by his fashion revolutionary concepts on how important fashion is for people all over the world. He mentions that our body is a canvas and we should express ourselves with it. To show who we are as a person and to give us courage and literally wear that courage on our sleeves.
I felt empowered and gained perspective and appreciation for the privilege and access I have to express myself through clothes and to me it does matter what I wear. It is a representation of who I am not only as a person but in that very moment. Fashion is a powerful force that should be respected and allowed in every culture and place in the world. Check out Kaustav Dey’s TED Talk about the role of fashion as a vehicle for protest.