Artist Statement
Black vignetted vision, like my eyes have lens glued on them. His face staring at me with deep melancholy. A perception no one speaks about but is consistent in most people’s lives. An exploding mind that was destined for greatness. Instead became one with the universe. And then the moment had actually come where x marked the spot. Where red splattered unconsciousness was written on the walls and ceilings. Stained on the very same carpet I grew up on. I’ve never perceived red so alluring yet excruciating. Coming to my conclusion after scraping my happiness from far away corners I am competent. Foul sounds and discolored creatures lay tongue-tied for an eternal bliss. As this disorientated perspective can no longer harm you.

I took a psychology course and there we were learning about mental diversity. Schizophrenia is something that I have experienced through family members and had lost a very special member to this disease. I wrote a research paper on the topic that I posted on my blog page and I wanted to share it to create awareness. Not many people know what Schizophrenia is and does to someone who has to deal with it and to the people around them. With this installation and essay I hope to create that awareness for people and to shine a light on dangers it can bring. In memory of my cousin David I hope that in the future no one will have to suffer the same fate. Click the essay button to read the full paper.